Your quizz mobile app 
in just one week

The first SaaS that supports you in preparing multiple choice quizzes.

What is Testy?

Testy is a highly interactive and customisable platform that supports brands and creators in preparing students to pass a multiple choice test. It is therefore a ready-to-use product that can be fully customised according to your user-base and specifications.

Download Testy to see how your app would look like

App Store Play Store

The steps

Here are the most important steps to complete for the realisation of your app: from idea to publication on the stores in just one week.

Step 1

Sharing of the materials

Once the contract has been signed, the first step is to share your brand materials such as the brand identity and the quiz material.

Step 2

Customising the app

After sharing the database, our tech team gets to work to make Testy your unique and customised application.

Step 3

Publication on the Stores

After the testing and the approval time, we are ready to launch on the major application stores (Apple; Android).

Discover all the features of your app

Take a look at all of Testy's current and future functionalities. 

Click here


Testy allows you to exploit all the classic advantages of a tailor-made application by eliminating all the problems associated with it

User flexibility in their actions

Autonomous quiz loading

Analytics management 

No development costs compared to a custom app

No maintenance costs compared to a custom app

Ongoing customer support Research and Development

What about the rest?
It is entirely customisable.

For all other features that we have not thought of and that would make your application even more unique, we can develop them exactly as you wish!

What our clients think



"The Testy team came at the right time! With the new medical test mode I needed support and a change"


Headmaster of a nautical school

"I honestly didn't think I could offer such a service in my nautical school! But I had to change my mind."


CEO Accademia T.

"Thanks to Testy I was able to offer a new service to my kids and they are all super happy about it."

What would your app be like?

Book now a one-to-one, no-obligation call now, where we better show you all Testy's functionalities and offer you a preview of your personal application


What is included in Testy's monthly licence?

The licence includes practically everything: customisation of the app with all present and all future functionalities that we will develop, updates and bug fixing, marketing services, analytics and performance dashboards.

Is it possible for companies to have autonomy in uploading applications in the app if there are databases to be updated?

Of course! You will have your own control dashboard where you can upload (and possibly delete) questions in real-time in the app.

Is it possible to include more theoretical content?

As far as the link to your theoretical content is concerned, it can already be inserted, but for the other lessons we are working on a new Lessons feature that will be available in 2023.

Will the application to be released on the relevant stores have our logo, our colours and our name? Or will it be published under your name?

The application will be published for all purposes under your name, logo and colours. As for the developer that will appear in the stores, we usually leave it to WeStudents s.r.l as we bear the cost of the release.

We have worked with:

Disney Plus

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